Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blogging: A health hazard

So, the day after I finish my first post on this thing, I rush to the doctor only to discover that I have pleurisy. Pleurisy! And the first thought through my head? "Isn't that like scurvy?"

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I admit it, that was my first thought. Though I hasten to add (in a bid to save face) that I quickly realised I was being ridiculous. Still, intrigued by my random blonde moment, I set about trying to discover why I had come to such an... "unusual"... conclusion.

So I'm on my way to the pharmacy to pick up my antibiotics, and the only reason I can come up with is that pleurisy sounds like piracy, and the whole pirate/sailor thing led me to scurvy. A natural and logical conclusion, no?

Now, I can hear some of you laughing and thinking "no-one's that stupid". Right? But my boyfriend was there and will attest to the fact that I did, indeed, reach said conclusion through careful and lengthy thought processes (although he will now deny being my boyfriend).

But surely I at least deserve admiration for admitting to my blonde moment?


OK, back to my original point... Don't think I didn't notice the link between blogging and serious infection! How decidedly convenient it is that I should be diagnosed with this illness the day after posting my first entry here. And so I have come to another conclusion...

Blogging should come with a health warning! Something along the lines of the following:

"Warning! Blogging may cause serious illness, including severe chest pains, shortness of breath, general exhaustion, inflammation of the lungs, and coughing up buckets of phlegm." In other words, blogging may leave you feeling like you've been kicked in the chest after pissing off a very angry bull.

So, fellow bloggers (and all you wannabes), you have been warned!

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go tend to my pirate disease.

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